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Joanna newsom 'Sprout and the Bean' 조애너 뉴섬의 '싹과 콩'

사용자 삽입 이미지

조애너 뉴섬(Joanna Newsom)의 '싹과 콩(Sprout and the Bean)'

Sprout and the Bean

I slept all day
awoke with distaste
and I railed,
and I raved

That the difference between
the sprout and the bean
is a golden ring,
it is a twisted string.
And you can ask the counselor;
you can ask the king;
and they'll say the same thing;
and it's a funny thing:

Should we go outside?
Should we go outside?
Should we break some bread?
Are y'interested?

And as I said,
I slept as though dead
dreaming seamless dreams of lead.

When you go away,
I am big-boned and fey
in the dust of the day,
in the dirt of the day.

and Danger! Danger! Drawing near them was a white coat,
and Danger! Danger! drawing near them was a broad boat,
And the water! water! running clear beneath a white throat,
and the hollow chatter of the talking of the Tadpoles,

who know th'outside!
Should we go outside?
Should we break some bread?
Are y'interested?

사용자 삽입 이미지
Joanna Newsom / The milk-eyed mender (2004)

싱글 CD에 들어있는 뮤직비디오를 만든 Terri Timely의 사이트에 가면, 유튜브보다 훨씬 나은 동영상(50MB)을 볼 수 있습니다.(by 졸려)
